Elk Valley Lodge

Health & Safety

Ensuring your health and safety

As we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, we work closely with health authorities, TECK and the local community to ensure your safety during your stay at the lodge.

In early March, we activated our Pandemic Response plan. Our teams strictly adhere to safe physical distancing, handwashing and sanitizing guidelines. Common areas and high-touch spaces are deep cleaned and sanitized daily. 

We have heightened the safe food preparation and handling procedures for our kitchen. Dining room hours have been extended to minimize traffic congestion at meal times. All meals are pre-packaged and are to be eaten in your room.

Elk Valley Lodge Cleaning

Onsite First Aid Services

There is an Occupational First Aid Level 3 on site 24/7 to assist in assessing your medical concerns. The OFA3 room is located at the Medical Treatment room next to security.  To limit the strain on local healthcare services please refer to the on-site first aid attendant prior to utilizing community services.

Sharps Containers - For your convenience we have sharps containers located in the recreation area main washrooms.

If you are feeling unwell or experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19, please contact Lodge Security while you're in the Lodge.


Frontec Lodge First Aid

To keep you safe

We keep an accurate on-site resident list. Please ensure that you use your access card to enter and exit the facility by the ONLY identified means of entrance and exit, the front entrance. Doing this will allow our system to keep a record of who is on site at any time and, in event of an evacuation, this information will aid emergency services to efficiently locate any missing individuals from the roll call. Please note that all emergency exits are alarmed; security personnel will be notified if an emergency exit is opened when the facility is not in alarm.

Emergency Numbers

In the event of an emergency, please dial 911 then contact the leadership team or security personnel. 

Additional emergency contact numbers are: 

  • RCMP 911 
  • Ambulance 911 
  • Elkford Hospital 1.250.865.2215 
  • Report a Wildfire 1.800.663.5555 
  • or 5555 on a cell phone 


Wildlife Awareness & Safety

Please do not approach or feed wildlife for any reason. 

  • Utilize bear-proof bins and other trash receptacles - don’t leave trash in your vehicles, especially food.
  • It's our goal to be a good neighbour; this includes coexisting with the surrounding wildlife. Please observe posted signs that address wildlife concerns.
  • Security will place warnings on vehicles that have items of interest to wildlife identified in them, prolific offenders will be asked to remove their vehicle from the Lodge premises.
  • Pay attention to the wildlife information board in the recreation room. This will update you to current wildlife sightings and areas of considerable risk.
Bear safety

During bear season, avoid walking alone and be suitably equipped to deal with a bear encounter. The best way to prevent conflicts with bears and other wildlife is by minimizing contact with them. If a bear has seen you in the distance and does not run away, remain calm and let the bear identify you as human. If it is safe to do so, continue facing the bear and slowly and carefully back away. Increase your distance and leave the area - DO NOT RUN - DO NOT PLAY DEAD - DO NOT CLIMB A TREE or OTHER STRUCTURE. Running may solicit an attack. Ensure your movements do not block the bear’s escape route; the bear may not be willing to run across a road, past stationary equipment or dive into a lake to avoid you. Most bear attacks are predatory in nature. When attacked by a bear fight back, and arm yourself with whatever is available (stick, shovel, rocks etc.). You want the bear to think it is risking injury if it persists.