Elk Valley Lodge


Because your safety is our first priority, the Elk Valley Lodge facility is equipped with fire protection systems and 24- hour surveillance. We ask that you please familiarize yourself with the location of the emergency exits and fire alarms and the Emergency Response Procedure posted on the back of each resident room door. In the event of the alarm sounding, evacuate the building by using the exit marked on the floor plan and assemble at the Muster Point closest to your location. Once outside follow the instructions of the fire wardens and do not re-enter the building until authorized to do so. 


Code of Conduct

The Elk Valley Lodge is meant to be your home away from home, however, every home has rules and regulations to make everyone’s stay pleasant and safe. The Code of Conduct provides information regarding procedures and conduct rules for all persons utilizing the facility and to maintain a safe, respectful, clean and healthy living environment for all. 

The Code of Conduct provides a guide outlining the acceptable behaviour of ALL users of the Lodge, ensuring that the safety, wellbeing and lifestyle of the local population are in no way impacted by the facility or its residents. This impact includes: 

  • Harassment 
  • Intimidation 
  • Violence, actual threats or perceived 
  • Anti-Social or disruptive behaviour 
  • Vehicle and recreational vehicle use 


The Code of Conduct applies to every person either visiting or staying at the Elk Valley Lodge. The Code of Conduct is always enforced. Your failure to comply with the site “Code of Conduct” may result in disciplinary action being taken against you, which may include revocation of your privileges to stay in the Lodge and a permanent ban from Teck Coal Ltd. property.

Quiet Hours

As we are a large accommodation facility that supports a wide range of personnel and shifts, for the benefit of guests and the community we maintain specific quiet time protocols throughout the living accommodation units. 

These times are -

10:00 pm – 4:00 am – Quiet Time

10:00 am – 4:00 pm – Quiet Time

During these times we ask that you keep conversations, TV and music volumes low and refrain from doing laundry. Should you be disturbed by noise during the posted quiet hours, you are to contact security directly, and not approach the noisemakers. This ensures that your rest is maintained, and conflict is avoided between you and noisemakers.

Excessive or Disruptive Conduct

Excessive or Disruptive Conduct You may NOT engage in excessive or disruptive conduct within the Worker Accommodation Area or the District of Elk ford. There is zero tolerance for a) Fighting, harassment, violence, causing a disturbance or other illegal activities. b) Verbal abuse towards Lodge guests, Elkford residents and Accommodations Staff including Accommodations Security. c) Horse Play is not acceptable within the facility. What is deemed as amusing to some, is often taken as offensive by others.

Alcohol and Drugs

Consumption, possession, and/or sale of alcohol is NOT permitted at the Elk Valley Lodge. The use, possession, manufacturing and/or the offering of sale of illegal drugs, prohibited substances and/or drug paraphernalia is prohibited. Cannabis-derived products whether ingested, inhaled or stored are strictly prohibited from Elk Valley Lodge footprint, the use and/or possession of prescription medication that has not been specifically prescribed for the resident using and/or possessing it is also prohibited. Possession includes resident rooms, vehicles or any location in the Worker Accommodation Area that is used by the resident. 

Prohibition of Alcohol Products extends to empty cans/bottles or other means of containing alcohol, anywhere within the Elk Valley Lodge footprint. 

Residents found under the influence or in possession of any illegal drugs, prohibited substances and/or drug paraphernalia will be reported to the Owner’s project team and may be reported to the applicable law enforcement authorities. You are more than welcome to leave the lodge in the evenings to partake in social activities however, you are expected to conduct yourselves in a manner that reflects positively on Teck and its operation in the Elkford area. 

“An individual returning to the lodge suspected to be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol shall have their name and room number recorded. Security will then notify the Facilities Lead, Contractor and Contract Supervisor by email. It will be the contractor’s responsibility to ensure the individual is fit for duty prior to beginning work the following day.” 

Smoking - Smoking is NOT permitted in resident rooms or within the Elk Valley Lodge Accommodation Area, except in designated smoking areas which are clearly marked on Lodge maps and identified locally by signage. This also applies to e-cigarettes and vapes. 

Biohazards - Respect the staff that is cleaning your room and keep it free of biohazards. Biohazards of any kind will not be tolerated at any time. Any biohazards found in the room will incur a cleaning /removal fee of $250. 

For our complete rules and policies, download our welcome package.